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D&D Deluxe Lokk Latch Gate Lock Lockable from One Side – Lockable from one side LLAARB

60.23 exc. VAT

D&D Deluxe Lokk Latch Gate Lock Lockable from One Side

6 in stock


The LokkLatch is designed to fit all square posts and gate frames (up to 150mm), it’s fully adjustable both vertically and horizontally, and will lock from one side of the gate, eliminating the need for a padlock. The Lokklatch range is durable and completely corrosion resistant.


  • Will suit all square gate posts and frames
  • Rust proof
  • Easy to install
  • Fully adjustable
  • Reversible
  • SKU:L27466

    D&D Deluxe Lokk Latch Gate Lock Lockable from One Side – Lockable from one side LLAARB
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