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SASHSTOP Internal Fixed Sash Stopper – White

15.12 exc. VAT

SASHSTOP Internal Fixed Sash Stopper

Out of stock


The SASHSTOP Internal Fixed sash stopper is a versatile product which can be used on UPVC, composite and wooden doors. It has been designed to fit over the same size as a window handle and is an ideal replacement product. It is non-locking with an internal sash-jammer which securely fastens all the way through the door or window, providing additional security.


  • Suitable for use on UPVC, composite & wooden doors
  • Provides additional security for doors and windows
  • No external lock
  • Ideal replacement for a window handle
  • SKU:L31293

    SASHSTOP Internal Fixed Sash Stopper – White

    Additional information

    Weight 195 kg
    Dimensions 20 cm


    Pack Quantity

    Shipping Weight

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