The Union DoorSense is an intelligent door hold open device providing a simple and safe solution for when fire doors need to be held open. It is easy to install with no fiddly wiring, and goes on the bottom of fire doors which feature size 3 to 7 door closers. It continuously listens out for fire alarms and, upon hearing alarms that are over 80dB, automatically releases the door to a closed position, helping to comply with fire safety laws. The DoorSense J-8755A range has been fire rated for timber (FD120) fire doors, is CE Marked to EN 1155, and it is EMC tested so that you can be sure you are purchasing a high quality item that has been proven to be safe. The release sensitivity can be adjusted and it also features a timer, which can be set to automatically release the DoorSense when the door is not being used, for example at night.