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UNION J2105 StrongBOLT 5 Lever Deadlock – 64mm SS KD Boxed

31.46 exc. VAT

UNION J2105 StrongBOLT 5 Lever Deadlock

23 in stock


Union StrongBOLT offers a comprehensive range of high security 5 lever Deadlocks based on the best in class 5 lever.


  • Pick, saw & force resistant
  • Suitable for use on fire doors
  • CE marked
  • Certifire approved
  • Reversible radius latch
  • Square faceplate & radius inner forend for ease of installation
  • SKU:L19740

    UNION J2105 StrongBOLT 5 Lever Deadlock – 64mm SS KD Boxed
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